Emilia-Romagna Food Science Advanced Doctoral Training Programme
In the context of the activities aimed at enhancing and strengthening the territory carried out by our Region, there are some focused on making Emilia-Romagna a place of knowledge that invests in education, training, research and culture.
In this regard, with resolution n. 1200 of 26 July 2021, the Council approved the invitation to present "Projects of advanced training in the economic, cultural and technological fields for an attractive, European region of knowledge".
This invitation is based on the "Strategia di Specializzazione Intelligente 2021/2027" which underlines the need to invest in the development of skills and higher education, also by experimenting new ways of collaborating among the various actors who contribute to the planning, offering and evaluation, with the aim of placing itself firmly among the most innovative regions in Europe.
An investment in higher education to create and transfer knowledge and skills oriented towards technological, social, cultural, organizational and economic innovation and to increase the region’s ability to attract human capital and innovative projects with high added value.
The School of Advanced Studies on Food and Nutrition teaming with three more Universities of the Region responded to the invitation with a proposal addressed to PhD students of the food sector: ER-Phood "Emilia-Romagna Food Science Advanced Doctoral Training Programme"
The project sees the collaboration of the University of Parma, the University of Bologna and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart for the realisation of 7 intensive seasonal schools for PhD students from all over the world and engaged in all areas of the food field. A quota of the envisaged places will be specifically reserved for PhD students from Emilia-Romagna’s Universities partners in this project.
The project, in line with the STRATEGIA DI SPECIALIZZAZIONE INTELLIGENTE EMILIA-ROMAGNA 2021-2027, aims at strengthening the international competitiveness of regional productions through a strong capacity for technological and organizational innovation and does so by training future research and innovation leaders of the food industry.
Specifically, the project has strong connections in many of the priority areas of the aforementioned strategy, such as circular economy, cities and communities of the future, cultural and territorial heritage, personal well-being, health and lifestyles.
The objective is therefore to train extremely high-level figures, of regional, national and international origin, from whom companies can draw to strengthen their transversal, leadership and communication skills.
The didactic activities and the transmission of knowledge present in this proposal will bring a series of unique international skills to the regional territory and into contact with all the universities of the region. The world-renowned personalities who will be part of the teaching staff of the seasonal schools organized, will guarantee a clear expansion of the internationalization of the universities and will favour exchanges for the participants. This knowledge will have a clear impact on both the industry production and on academic and private research of the food field.
All information about the project is available on the project website: ER-Phood https://phooder.unipr.it/